Good Agricultural And Collection Practices (GACP)

The ashwagandha root contains a variety of bio-active constituents. Different geographic locations determine the amounts and ratios of bio-active compounds in the ashwagandha root. Depending on soil conditions, the withanolide content in the ashwagandha root varies. The lower grade and older root stock is virtually useless and therapeutically, shows poor response. At Ixoreal, only high grade ashwagandha roots from the best geographic location are sourced. The herb requires well drained, sand loamy or light red soils with pH of 7.5-8.0. Ashwagandha is a late rainy season crop and requires relatively dry season. Areas receiving 650-750 mm rainfall are best suited for its cultivation. The state of Rajasthan in India is one of the most suited terrains known to grow the best quality ashwagandha in the world and that is where, our ashwagandha farms are located. The roots of ashwagandha are cultivated organically. No old root stock is used. Only special or High A-grade root pieces are used for the extraction. These roots are solid and bright, up to 7 centimeter, approximately and with a diameter of 1 to 1.5 centimeters.